
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Revisited: AMPed for Grazing
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Following Dirt Rich's previous episode, 57: Fundamentals of Adaptive Grazing with Jonathan Kilpatrick, we thought it would be a great time to revisit our conversation on Adaptive Multi-Paddock grazing with Jared Luhman and Doug Voss.
If you enjoy Dirt Rich, consider supporting our work by becoming a member of SFA or donating at www.sfa-mn.org.
Over the years of establishing and fine-tuning their management systems, grazing has become absolutely key in both Luhman’s and Voss’ cattle and dairy operations. Beyond rotational grazing, Adaptive Multi-Paddock grazing (or AMP) has improved the ecology of their farms--not to mention saved the time, energy, and expense of hauling around feed and other off-farm inputs--by modeling their grazing systems after the natural movement of wildlife across landscapes. “There’s no substitute for what comes out the back of a cow or small ruminant,” Doug jokes.
Doug hasn’t used any off-farm inputs for years, and yet his yields continue to increase. The adaptive part of AMP is quintessential: not only is a successful grazing plan going to be unique and flexible to the context of a piece of land, but to the conditions that may come to pass during the season, be it a change in rainfall or a family wedding you need a couple days to travel to.
The number of variables to consider may be daunting, but as Doug reminds us, creating an adaptive grazing plan is more of a journey than a destination. In the interview, he shares some advice for those looking to start to graze as well as those looking to improve their management, covering fencing, watering systems, rest periods, and examples from Voss Farms.
The payoff is worth it. AMP grazing has brought Doug great peace of mind and more predictable income: “I have far fewer challenges where I’m not going to be productive or profitable on an acre of ground than I’ve ever had before.”
Whether you own a herd or land, there are a lot of good resources to help you get livestock applied appropriately to your land:
- SFA Soil Health resources
- SFA Silvopasture resources
- Technical Assistance Program for Graziers
- Nourishment by Fred Provenza
- SFA also offers technical assistance to farmers, with priority given to SFA members.
Doug Voss, Grazing Lead, Sustainable Farming Association, doug@sfa-mn.org
Jared Luhman, Soil Health Lead, Sustainable Farming Association, jared@sfa-mn.org
Originally released March 17, 2021
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Dirt Rich is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota.

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
57: Fundamentals of Adaptive Grazing
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Today, a presentation that our Soil Health Specialist Jonathan Kilpatrick gave on adaptive grazing at a recent field day. He’ll bring you through the fundamentals, always keeping in mind the importance of context in grazing management. Jonathan believes that grazing is one of the most powerful forces we can have to regenerate our soils. A topic overview:
- Why we adaptively graze
- How adaptive grazing plays a role in building soil health and resilience in our eco-systems
- Stocking density
- Measuring forage stand density and dry matter/acre
- Calculating herd needs
If you have any questions for Jonathan or other SFA team members, you can always reach out to us. Find our contact details on our staff page at www.sfa-mn.org. We’re all happy to help.
Jonathan Kilpatrick, Soil Health Specialist, SFA
If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please consider supporting Dirt Rich and SFA's work by donating or becoming a member at www.sfa-mn.org.
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Dirt Rich is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association.

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
56: Get to Know Jonathan Kilpatrick
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Jared Luhman sits down with SFA's new Soil Health Specialist, Jonathan Kilpatrick.
Jonathan comes to Minnesota after several years in several states, where he built a diverse background in agricultural work. He grew up farming with his family, eventually building up a 250-300 member CSA vegetable operation with his brothers. Time in other parts of the country has been spent as an intern and apprentice at Polyface Farm, a manager of a nonprofit farm in Vermont, a grazier in Oklahoma, and more.
His experience with various farming enterprises makes him a great resource for SFA members. Jonathan will be doing work with soil health, grazing livestock, Kernza, and more. Get in touch with him at jonathan@sfa-mn.org or 1.844.922.5573 Ext. 712. If you haven't connected with the Sustainable Farming Association yet, know you are always welcome to reach out!
Jonathan Kilpatrick, Soil Health Specialist, SFA
Jared Luhman, Soil Health Lead, SFA
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Dirt Rich is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association.

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Revisited: Planting Minnesota Garlic
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
The Minnesota Garlic Festival returns to Hutchinson, Minnesota this Saturday, August 13! And that's got us thinking about seed garlic and planning ahead for the fall planting. Please enjoy this delightful conversation with two seasoned garlic growers, and consider joining us on Saturday for garlic food, fun, and conversations with farmers.
Originally released September 16, 2020.
“Minnesotans don’t like that garlic. They don’t eat that spicy stuff, dontcha know?” Jerry and Sunny and their sold-out-by-August harvest beg to differ!
Jerry Ford and Sunny Ruthchild are longtime friends in Minnesota garlic and organic farming. Sunny runs Merryweather Gardens near Walnut Grove, raising garlic, poultry, vegetables, and pigs who are happy to be the clean-up crew for her orchard. Jerry raises replacement dairy heifers, grass-fed beef, and garlic with his family at Living Song Farm near Howard Lake.
Before they get back out there to plant next year’s garlic crop, they’re taking some time to compare notes and philosophies as they prepare for the next season and climate unknowns. They get into:
- Site Selection - Jerry’s land is hilly, Sunny’s land is flat. They both make it work.
- Soil Prep - “If you need to add chemicals to the soil, you need a different site.”
- Timing of planting
- Seed garlic and varietal selection - Seed garlic grown in Minnesota does well in Minnesota.
- First-time growers & gardeners - Porcelain varieties are a great place to start
- Dip treatments - Nah.
- Their agriculture philosophies
- Mulching
- Being adaptable to change in markets and climate
Garlic is a high-value, premium crop here in Minnesota. As Sunny says, “the truth is, Minnesota can grow garlic. And the other truth is, people in Minnesota love good garlic, don’t let anybody tell you anything else.”
Jerry Ford - Living Song Farm, SFA Network Coordinator
Sunny Ruthchild - Merryweather Farm
Katie Feterl - SFA Communications Director
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Minnesota Premium Garlic Project
Minnesota Garlic Festival & Virtual Directory

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
55: Soil Lab Tests for Regenerative Ag
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
There are many tests you can do yourself on your farm to measure soil health, and we've talked about some of them on Dirt Rich before (check out Episode 47: Four DIY Soil Health Tests). Today, Jared interviews Lance Gunderson of Regen Ag Lab on the utility of lab soil testing, particularly for farmers on a regenerative path.
Why do do a lab soil test? Which one? How often? What do you do with the results? In this episode, we learn about a handful of different tests and the scenarios they may be useful in. The farm's unique context is important, and recommendations are informed by a farmer's goals and resource concerns. In particular, Gunderson does a deep dive into the chemistry and biology (his forte) of the Haney Test and why it is so useful for farms working with or transitioning to regenerative practices.
Lance Gunderson, President and Co-Owner, Regen Ag Lab, LLC
Jared Luhman, Soil Health Lead, SFA
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Dirt Rich is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association.

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Revisited: Designing Cover Crops for Late Season Grazing
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Originally released July 15, 2020.
It’s about that time to plant for late season grazing. Kent Solberg and Doug Voss discuss the biological benefits of grazing complex cover crops (nicknamed “biological primers”), and walk you through the process of designing a seed mix that will fit the unique context of your farm.
As we know, things can change rather quickly, and remaining adaptable and having a “plan B” is always helpful. Sharing experiences with other producers in your area can help give you ideas and learn what might work best (or not at all!) on your farm. Other resources mentioned in this episode include:
Green Cover Seed Smart Mix Calculator
Doug Voss - Grazing Lead, SFA
Kent Solberg - Senior Technical Advisor, SFA
Katie Feterl - Communications Director, SFA
Reach out to Kent, Doug, Katie, or any other member of the SFA team here.
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Dirt Rich is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
54: REKO Rings
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Finnish farmer Thomas Snellman coined the concept of REKO Rings in 2013, and in the last few years they’ve begun to sprout in Wisconsin and Minnesota. This unique model of a local food market is connecting thousands of eaters directly to their local farmers using regional Facebook groups for each ring.
Each week, participating growers post what they have to offer and customers comment to initiate an ordering process. All payment happens in advance of the weekly pick-up day, where everyone meets at the same time and place to receive their orders from the farmers. The efficiency can save all parties time and money, while still allowing for authentic relationship building between farmers and eaters. It’s a straightforward foundation and each ring may operate a little differently, responsive to the needs of their community.
To explain how REKO works and how to go about starting one in your own community, three farmer guests and founding members of their own REKO Rings join the podcast:
Mehgan Blair, Canosia Grove, Twin Ports REKO Ring
Vanessa Wallock, The Victory Garden Farm, Ozaukee Area REKO Ring
Thelma Heidel-Baker, Bossie Cow Farm, West Bend REKO Ring
Host Katie Feterl, Communications Director, SFA
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Dirt Rich is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association.
Thoughts? Comments? Ideas? Leave us a review, or drop us a line on our Virtual Comment Box.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
53: Endorsed for Water Quality
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
“I went in thinking I wouldn’t have to do a darn thing.” Farmer Dale Buendorf was well on his way to becoming certified through the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program at the outset, having implemented no-till and strip-till on his acres of corn and soybeans. While working with his certifier, Herman Bartsch, they discovered that there were just a few tweaks to make, including adjusting his nutrient management plan. Now, Dale says they are more responsible with where they apply nutrients and when, keeping it out of the groundwater. And, fewer passes on the fields has turned into a lot of savings in fuel costs. Dale was certified within six months, and also received endorsements in Soil Health and Integrated Pest Management!
“As the boots on the ground on these lands that we’re part of, I think it’s important that we do these things and be responsible and protect these resources that we’ve got.” Dale’s attitude is shared by many of the 1,200+ farmers who are certified. It is important to them to be good land stewards, and the recognition and resources they receive through certification is appreciated.
Caroline D’Huyvetter (Minnesota Department of Agriculture), Herman, and Dale share their experience with the certification program in this conversation, how it can work with landlords, and the five different endorsements that farmers can receive in addition to getting certified: Climate Smart Farm, Soil Health, Integrated Pest Management, Wildlife, and Irrigation Water Management. There’s more to those than the additional recognition: bridge payments for those with the Climate Smart endorsement are in the works.
Learn more about the Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program here, and find out who to contact to get started here.
Dale Buendorf, Farmer in Faribault County, Minnesota
Herman Bartsch, South Central Area Certification Specialist for the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program
Caroline D’Huyvetter, Pesticide and Fertilizer Management, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Katie Feterl, Communications Director, SFA
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Dirt Rich is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association.
Thoughts? Comments? Ideas? Leave us a review, or drop us a line on our Virtual Comment Box.

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
52: We’re on YouTube (and in the field)
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
We're taking a break this week as we prepare for many in-field events coming up this summer. Check out our event calendar at www.sfa-mn.org to find out what's going on near you! With dozens of events going through the fall, there's something for everyone.
Also: we're on YouTube! Episodes 1-5 are available on the Sustainable Farming Association YouTube channel now, and we'll be uploading the full catalog over the coming weeks. If that's your preferred way to listen or share podcasts, you're in luck.
We'll have a new episode coming up later this month! Thanks for listening.
Katie Feterl, Communications Director, Sustainable Farming Association
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Dirt Rich is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association.
Thoughts? Comments? Ideas? Leave us a review, or drop us a line on our Virtual Comment Box.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
Revisited: Restoring Oak Savanna
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
As we approach our big field day at the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge that will demonstrate targeted grazing to restore oak savanna, we thought it would be a good time to revisit this episode with Tyler Carlson and Stephen Thomforde. This episode was originally released February 17, 2021, and its preceding episode is 23: Oak Savanna Origins.
Tyler and Stephen pick up their conversation on oak savanna from our last episode: How do we restore oak savanna? What does it take? Where have we been and what’s been missed in prior restoration attempts?
According to Stephen, “restoration is restoring the processes that maintain the desirable vegetation.” He dives into a variety of techniques used to do so including spraying, mowing, burning, baling, and grazing. Knowing what to take and what to leave is key in changing the trajectory of an ecosystem.
Stephen and Tyler also get into a popular question: do we really need fire? What is necessary to maintain the savanna once you have it where you want it? To parse out an answer to that question, Stephen walks us through historical and ecological perspectives. Considering the relationship between burning and grazing, the pair land on grazing as a primary tool and burning as a secondary tool to maintain savanna grassland; grazing reduces the necessity of burning.
The opportunity of farming and restoring oak savanna simultaneously is exciting, and Stephen looks forward to the growing cooperation between farmers and conservationists to build understanding and successful restoration work. He imagines the potential that could stem from bringing grazers back into the picture on more of the landscape, even in urban areas: a stronger local food economy, more meaningful jobs. The possibilities just might be as diverse as the ecosystem itself.
SFA’s Silvopasture & Agroforestry webpage: https://www.sfa-mn.org/silvopasture-agroforestry/
Silvopasture Learning Network: https://silvopasture.umn.edu/home
The name we were struggling to remember towards the end of the episode was Tom Barthel of Snake River Farm. Check out his work in Sherburne county with bison and other grazers here.
Stephen Thomforde, Stantec, Senior Ecologist
Tyler Carlson, SFA, Silvopasture & Agroforestry Project Lead
The viewpoints of the speakers expressed within or outside of this episode do not necessarily reflect the goals and mission of SFA.
Dirt Rich is produced by the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota.
This episode is supported and funded by a grant from the Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). It is part of the “Oak Savanna Restoration through Silvopasture Project” in cooperation with University of Minnesota Agricultural Extension, Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Agricultural Management (CINRAM) at the University of Minnesota, and Great River Greening.